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File "wisps.xml"⚓︎

This file is used to define the properties of Wisp familiars, spawned by Book of Virtues.

Resource-Folder: Using this file in a resource folder of a mod is not tested yet.

Content-Folder: Using this file in a content folder of a mod is not tested yet.

"color" nodes⚓︎

Used to define color a locust can have.

Variable-Name Possible Values Description
name str Name of the color which will be used to reference it in the "locust" nodes
r int Red
g int Green
b int Blue
or int Offset Red
og int Offset Blue
ob int Offset Green

"wisp" nodes⚓︎

Variable-Name Possible Values Description
id string ID of the collectible item in the active slot when Book of Virtues got activated
canShoot bool Set to false if the wisp cant shoot
coreColor string Name of color used by the core of the wisp
coreGfx string
count int number of locusts spawned
damage int Damage the wisp does
damageMultiplier2 int
fireDelay int
flameColor string Name of color used by the flame of the wisp
hp int
layer int Used values: ['-1', '0', '1', '2']
priority int Used values: ['-1', '99']
procChance ['0.075', '0.05', '0.025', '0.1', '0.2', '0.3', '0.15', '0.33']
shotSpeed int
tearColor string Name of color used by the tear
tearColor2 string Name of color used by the tear
tearFlags int
tearFlags2 int
tearScale int
tearScale2 string
tearVariant int

Last update: September 14, 2022