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Enum "DamageFlag"⚓︎

Bitset Calculator

DLC Value Enumerator Comment
1 << 0 DAMAGE_NOKILL Damage can not kill the receiver
1 << 1 DAMAGE_FIRE Source is some sort of fire (ie. fireplace)
1 << 2 DAMAGE_EXPLOSION Damage comes from an explosion
1 << 3 DAMAGE_LASER Damage comes from laser
1 << 4 DAMAGE_ACID Damage comes from acid, e.g. blood acid
1 << 5 DAMAGE_RED_HEARTS Damage affects only red hearts if > 1 (ex: razor)
1 << 6 DAMAGE_COUNTDOWN Damage from unicorn horn, the nail, game kid that has cooldown
1 << 7 DAMAGE_SPIKES Damage from spikes
1 << 8 DAMAGE_CLONES Damage is done by clones when they took damage, avoid infinite loops
1 << 9 DAMAGE_POOP Damage from red poop
1 << 10 DAMAGE_DEVIL Damage comes from devil room deal
1 << 11 DAMAGE_ISSAC_HEART Indicates the damage has been redirected from Isaac's Heart familiar
1 << 12 DAMAGE_TNT Damage comes from a TNT barrel
1 << 13 DAMAGE_INVINCIBLE Damages even if invincible (currently only for player). Used on IV Bag.
1 << 14 DAMAGE_SPAWN_FLY Creates a fly when damage is applied
1 << 15 DAMAGE_POISON_BURN Damage comes from POISON/BURN flags
1 << 16 DAMAGE_CURSED_DOOR Damage comes from a cursed door
1 << 17 DAMAGE_TIMER Damage comes from the passage of time (used for player damage by time limited special seeds)
1 << 18 DAMAGE_IV_BAG Damage from using the IV Bag
1 << 19 DAMAGE_PITFALL Damage comes from pitfalls (such as ones spawned by Little Horn)
1 << 20 DAMAGE_CHEST Damage comes from spiked chest
1 << 21 DAMAGE_FAKE Fake damage that should trigger player's damage effects.
1 << 22 DAMAGE_BOOGER Damage from booger tear
1 << 23 DAMAGE_SPAWN_BLACK_HEART Should drop a black heart if damage is lethal
1 << 24 DAMAGE_CRUSH Damage comes from a strong impact, can damage Tuff Twins or The Shells' stony exteriors (like Mom's foot, shockwaves, rock tears)
1 << 25 DAMAGE_NO_MODIFIERS Ignore damage modifiers (such as doubled damage from the Womb and later floors or reduced damage from the Wafer)
1 << 26 DAMAGE_SPAWN_RED_HEART Should drop a red heart if damage is lethal
1 << 27 DAMAGE_SPAWN_COIN Should drop a coin if damage is lethal
1 << 28 DAMAGE_NO_PENALTIES Damage shouldn't apply any penalties (such as devil deal chance)
1 << 29 DAMAGE_SPAWN_TEMP_HEART Should drop a half red heart that quickly despawns if damage is lethal
1 << 30 DAMAGE_IGNORE_ARMOR Damage ignores boss armor
1 << 31 DAMAGE_SPAWN_CARD Should drop a card if damage is lethal
1 << 32 DAMAGE_SPAWN_RUNE Should drop a rune if damage is lethal

Last update: March 20, 2025