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[Tutorial] Render text ingame⚓︎

Fonts used by the game⚓︎

The Following fonts are used by the game and can be used with the Font() class:

Font Name Ingame Name/s Ingame Example Ingame Usage Link to font
Droid Sans droid Example Droid debug 11(Grid Info) Droid Sans
PF Tempesta Seven (Condensed) pftempestasevencondensed Example PF Tempesta Seven HUD Elements like coin/key counters PF Tempesta Seven
Team Meat Font teammeatfont10
Example teammeatfont10
Example teammeatfont12
Example teammeatfont16
Example teammeatfont16bold
Main Menu Elements
Timer / Score Elements
Team Meat Font without Bold
Terminus terminus
Example Terminus
Example Terminus8
Debug Console / Isaac.RenderText() Terminus
Example luamini
Example luaminioutlined
Stats HUD
Upheaval upheaval
upheavalmini (Repentance)
Example Upheaval
Example Upheavalmini
Streak text Upheaval
Lanapixel lanapixel Replacement for all fonts aboth for CJK translation.
is "PF Tempesta Seven" replacement except for coin/key counters
mplus (Japanese) mplus_10r
Example mplus_10r
Example mplus_12b
Replacement for all fonts aboth for Japanese translation.
10r is "PF Tempesta seven" / "Team Meat" replacement
12b is "Upheaval" replacement
(M+ Fonts)
YDIWebDotum kr_font12
Example kr_font12
Example kr_font14
Replacement for all fonts aboth for Korean translation.
12 is "teammeatfont12" replacement for curse display text
14 is "Upheaval" replacement for fortune streak text
Typo_Pororo M kr_meatfont14 Example kr_meatfont14 Replacement for all fonts aboth for Korean translation.
"Upheaval" / "Team Meat" replacement

Basics of rendering a text⚓︎

First we need to have a look at the basic process of writing on the screen. here is a sample code:

local testmod= RegisterMod( "testmod" ,1 );

local function onRender(t)
    Isaac.RenderText("Sample text", 50, 30, 1, 1, 1, 255)

testmod:AddCallback(ModCallbacks.MC_POST_RENDER, onRender)


The game uses the font-file "terminus.fnt" in order to render and display this text. this cant be changed. Luckily for us, this file contains "sprites" for all normal ASCII characters that exist out there (256 to be precise).

Rendering text with a different font⚓︎

We can render any kind of text with a different font as well. This can be done by using the "Font()" class and its functions.

Example code:⚓︎

local f = Font() -- init font object
f:Load("font/droid.fnt") -- load a font into the font object
f:DrawString("droid",60,50,KColor(1,1,1,1,0,0,0),0,true) -- render string with loaded font on position 60x50y
dlc3-language specific fonts:
local f = Font() -- init font object
f:Load("") -- load a font from the Japanese data package
f:DrawString("mplus_10r",60,50,KColor(1,1,1,1,0,0,0),0,true) -- render string with loaded font on position 60x50y

Quick overview of common Fonts that can be drawn:⚓︎

Render Special Characters⚓︎

The game allows us to write anything into the "displayed text" argument that is part of the ASCII standard for characters. For characters a-z, 0-9 and ,.#+;:_'*~° this works without any problems and without using any kind of "hack". Now if we just strait up try to type in ' ä ' or ' ß ' to let it render as text, it will not look as intended. In order to fix this problem we have to use the "raw" version of said characters. Example:




So in order to print special characters, just replace them in the code like this:

Isaac.RenderText("S\228mple text", 50, 30, 1, 1, 1, 255)


Sämple text

List of all supported characters and their counterpart⚓︎

Creating .fnt files⚓︎

The Developer __Kilburn_ mentioned that fonts can be created using this Tool:

The best results can be made by converting Bitmap fonts, since they allow for smaller fontsizes.

Font Settings:

  • Font - choose a font thats very readable in small sizes (~8-10px height)
  • Charset - Unicode
  • Size - the general size of the characters in pixels. normal values are between 10 and 16
  • Height - can be used to squish/strech the
  • Match char height - the charactersize will be choosen based on the character, and not the size defined in Size
  • Bold / Italic - What font styling should be used
  • Output invalid char glyph - Characters that dont have a sprite will be put on the spritesheet, too. This can create holes in the spritesheet
  • Do not include kerning pairs - Kerning is the manual adjustment of the spacing between two specific glyphs. A kerning pair is the same adjustment, but determined by the type designer—with the instructions embedded directly within in a font file. Only Repentance+ does support reading kerning pairs from .fnt files. In general it is advised to not include kerning pairs.

  • Rasterization - used to smooth the font sprites. Not recommended for Isaac since we want pixel-perfect fonts!

  • Outline thickness - Define if an outline should be drawn around the character. In Isaac, this is always ~1px

Export Options:

  • Padding - Padding around each character, in pixels
  • Spacing - Space between characters, in pixels
  • Equalize the cell heights - will align all characters in a way, so they take up the least space vertically. off = they group in more uniform rows

  • Width / Height - Width and Height of each character spritesheet. If spritesheet isnt big enough, multiple files will be created

  • Bit depth - how many Bits should be used per color. ALWAYS choose 32 bit!
  • Pack chars in multiple Channels - Dont use this. We need all channels for out font because of transparencies!

  • File format - Choose Binary to create ".fnt" files

  • Textures - always set it to "png"
  • Compression - (only one option available)

Last update: February 8, 2025