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File "music.xml"⚓︎

This file is used to store and define the music tracks the game plays. This is only background music, sound effects are in the "sounds.xml" file.

Old tutorial:

Resource-Folder: Placing this file in your mods "resource" folder will replace the original file.

Content-Folder: Using this file in a content folder of a mod is not tested yet.

Variable-Name Possible Values Description
id int The ID of the music this track defines
name string The name of the track
intro string The filepath to the intro of this track. Plays exactly once at the beginning of the song
path string The filepath to the main music file. Plays after the intro
layerintro string The filepath to the intro's layer of this track
layer string The filepath to the layer of the song. Layers play over the song when there are a large amount of enemies in the room
loop bool Whether or not the main track should loop indefinitely.
layermode int
layerfadespeed float
mul float
layermul float

Last update: September 14, 2022