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File "ambush.xml"⚓︎

This file is used to store spawning patterns for the wave system of Ambush rooms and Boss Rush. Ambush rooms use a new system that's more similar to Greed Mode waves, so this file only defines the Boss Rush waves.

Resource-Folder: Placing this file in your mods "resource" folder will replace the original file.

Content-Folder: Placing this file in your mods "content" folder has no effect!

"enemy" Tag⚓︎

Variable-Name Possible Values Description
type int The type of the entity to spawn
variant int The variant of the entity
count int How many of the entity should spawn at the beginning of the wave
chunks int The amount of segments a multi-entity NPC (i.e, Larry Jr.) should spawn with

"bossrush" Tag⚓︎

Variable-Name Possible Values Description
numWaves int The total amount of waves to occur during Boss Rush
spawnsPerWave int How many bosses should spawn per Boss Rush wave

"stage" Tag⚓︎

Variable-Name Possible Values Description
id int The floor chapter the Ambush wave should be able to spawn at

Last update: September 14, 2022