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File "bosscolors.xml"⚓︎

This file is used to store all valid champion bosses. Effects of champion bosses are hardcoded, so this file defines only color, scale and HP multiplier of the boss.

Resource-Folder: Using this file in a resource folder of a mod is not tested yet.

Content-Folder: Using this file in a content folder of a mod is not tested yet.

"boss" Tag⚓︎

Variable-Name Possible Values Description
id int Ingame-Id of the Boss.
variant int Ingame-Variant of the Boss.

"color" Tag⚓︎

Variable-Name Possible Values Description
idx int Boss's color. Possible values: 1-Red, 2-Pale, 3-Green, 4-Cyan, 5-Green, 6-Orange, 7-Blue, 8-Cyan, 9-Orange, 10-?, 11-Dark Greyish Green, 12-Yellow, 13-Dark Cyan, 14-Red, 15-Dark Grey, 16-Dark Grey, 17-Pale Grey, 18-Black, 19-Red, 20-Pink, 21-Golden, 22-Pink, 23-Brown
scale float Boss's scale is multiplied by this number.
hp float Boss's health is multiplied by this number.
anm2path string Path to a specific anm2 file that should be used instead of coloring the boss automatically

Last update: October 16, 2022