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File "locusts.xml"⚓︎

This file is used to define the properties of Locust familiars, spawned by Abyss.

Resource-Folder: Using this file in a resource folder of a mod will replace the original file.

Content-Folder: Using this file in a content folder of a mod will add new locusts.

"color" nodes⚓︎

Used to define color a locust can have.

Variable-Name Possible Values Description
name str Name of the color which will be used to reference it in the "locust" nodes
r int Red
g int Green
b int Blue
or int Offset Red
og int Offset Blue
ob int Offset Green

"locust" nodes⚓︎

Used to define the special properties of the locust created from the item with the given ID.

Variable-Name Possible Values Description
id int Id of the Collectible which Abyss destroyed
backColor string
backGfx string special back-side spritesheet the locust should use
collisionInterval int
color string Name of color used by this Locust
count int Number of locusts spawned
damageMultiplier float
gfx string special spritesheet the locust should use
speed float
overlayColor string Name of color used by the overlay effect
overlayGfx string special overlay spritesheet the locust should use
tearFlags int Bitmask of the tearflags
tearFlags2 int Bitmask of the tearflags, is tied to procChance
procChance float The chance of applying tearFlags2
scale float Size multiplier of the locust

Last update: April 20, 2023