Class "GridEntity"⚓︎
You can get this class by using the following function:
Example Code
Class Diagram⚓︎
class GridEntity:::diagramCurrentPage
class GridEntityDoor
class GridEntityPit
class GridEntityPoop
class GridEntityPressurePlate
class GridEntityRock
class GridEntitySpikes
class GridEntityTNT
GridEntity <|-- GridEntityDoor
GridEntity <|-- GridEntityPit
GridEntity <|-- GridEntityPoop
GridEntity <|-- GridEntityPressurePlate
GridEntity <|-- GridEntityRock
GridEntity <|-- GridEntitySpikes
GridEntity <|-- GridEntityTNT
link GridEntity "GridEntity.html" "Go to page for 'GridEntity' class"
link GridEntityDoor "GridEntityDoor.html" "Go to page for 'GridEntityDoor' class"
link GridEntityPit "GridEntityPit.html" "Go to page for 'GridEntityPit' class"
link GridEntityPoop "GridEntityPoop.html" "Go to page for 'GridEntityPoop' class"
link GridEntityPressurePlate "GridEntityPressurePlate.html" "Go to page for 'GridEntityPressurePlate' class"
link GridEntityRock "GridEntityRock.html" "Go to page for 'GridEntityRock' class"
link GridEntitySpikes "GridEntitySpikes.html" "Go to page for 'GridEntitySpikes' class"
link GridEntityTNT "GridEntityTNT.html" "Go to page for 'GridEntityTNT' class"
Destroy ()⚓︎
boolean Destroy ( boolean Immediate )⚓︎
Destroy·With·Source ()⚓︎
boolean DestroyWithSource ( boolean Immediate, EntityRef Source )⚓︎
Get·Grid·Index ()⚓︎
int GetGridIndex ( )⚓︎
Get·RNG ()⚓︎
RNG GetRNG ( )⚓︎
This RNG is initialized with the same seed for all grid entities in the whole run. Instead, it's advised to create a custom data structure or use either the SpawnSeed or VariableSeed fields from the GridEntityDesc object.
Get·Save·State ()⚓︎
GridEntityDesc GetSaveState ( )⚓︎
Both the Desc property and the GetSaveState() method return the exact same GridEntityDesc object. The game devs advise to use GetSaveState() instead of Desc.
Get·Sprite ()⚓︎
Sprite GetSprite ( )⚓︎
Get·Type ()⚓︎
GridEntityType GetType ( )⚓︎
Get·Variant ()⚓︎
int GetVariant ( )⚓︎
Hurt ()⚓︎
boolean Hurt ( int Damage )⚓︎
Hurt·With·Source ()⚓︎
boolean HurtWithSource ( int Damage, EntityRef Source )⚓︎
Init ()⚓︎
void Init ( int Seed )⚓︎
Post·Init ()⚓︎
void PostInit ( )⚓︎
Render ()⚓︎
void Render ( Vector Offset )⚓︎
Set·Type ()⚓︎
void SetType ( GridEntityType Type )⚓︎
Set·Variant ()⚓︎
void SetVariant ( int Variant )⚓︎
To·Door ()⚓︎
GridEntityDoor ToDoor ( )⚓︎
Return behavior
If the conversion is not successful, this function returns nil
To·Pit ()⚓︎
GridEntityPit ToPit ( )⚓︎
Return behavior
If the conversion is not successful, this function returns nil
To·Poop ()⚓︎
GridEntityPoop ToPoop ( )⚓︎
Return behavior
If the conversion is not successful, this function returns nil
To·Pressure·Plate ()⚓︎
GridEntityPressurePlate ToPressurePlate ( )⚓︎
Return behavior
If the conversion is not successful, this function returns nil
To·Rock ()⚓︎
GridEntityRock ToRock ( )⚓︎
Return behavior
If the conversion is not successful, this function returns nil
To·Spikes ()⚓︎
GridEntitySpikes ToSpikes ( )⚓︎
Return behavior
If the conversion is not successful, this function returns nil
To·TNT ()⚓︎
GridEntityTNT ToTNT ( )⚓︎
Return behavior
If the conversion is not successful, this function returns nil
Update ()⚓︎
void Update ( )⚓︎
GridCollisionClass CollisionClass⚓︎
GridEntityDesc Desc⚓︎
Both the Desc property and the GetSaveState() method return the exact same GridEntityDesc object. The game devs advise to use GetSaveState() instead of Desc.
const Vector Position⚓︎
Returns the position of the grid cell's center point
int State⚓︎
Used for various different usecases.
Example States
1 |
int VarData⚓︎
A Variable that stores some entity-specific data. The content can have completely different effects for different GridEntities.
Example Code
This code spawns a functioning Void Portal into the center of the room. This will teleport you to the floor "The Void" and will have the same appearance as the vanilla portal:
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