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File "cutscenes.xml"⚓︎

This file stores and defines the intro cutscene and the various ending cutscenes in the game.

Resource-Folder: Using this file in a resource folder of a mod is not tested yet.

Content-Folder: Using this file in a content folder of a mod is not tested yet.

"cutscene" Tag⚓︎

Variable-Name Possible Values Description
id int The ID of the cutscene
name string The name of the cutscene
fadeout bool Whether or not the cutscene should fadeout
fadecolor string The color the fadeout should be in if enabled

"anm2part" Tag⚓︎

Variable-Name Possible Values Description
anm2 string The filepath to the anm2 file this anm2part should play
anim string The name of the animation in the anm2 that this anm2part should play
music int The ID of the music this anm2part should play, defined in music.xml
musicDelay int How long the game should wait to play the aforementioned music, if any
width int How wide the anm2 should be displayed on screen
height int How long the anm2 should be displayed on screen
subtitles string The filepath to the file
letterbox bool

"videopart" Tag⚓︎

Variable-Name Possible Values Description
file string The filepath to the video file this videopart should play
subtitles string The filepath to the file
keepMusic bool Whether or not music defined in an anm2part should keep playing while this videopart is playing

Last update: October 16, 2022