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Class "GridEntityPressurePlate"⚓︎


You can get this class by using the following function:

Example Code


Class Diagram⚓︎

    class GridEntity:::diagramCurrentPage
    class GridEntityDoor
    class GridEntityPit
    class GridEntityPoop
    class GridEntityPressurePlate
    class GridEntityRock
    class GridEntitySpikes
    class GridEntityTNT
    GridEntity <|-- GridEntityDoor
    GridEntity <|-- GridEntityPit
    GridEntity <|-- GridEntityPoop
    GridEntity <|-- GridEntityPressurePlate
    GridEntity <|-- GridEntityRock
    GridEntity <|-- GridEntitySpikes
    GridEntity <|-- GridEntityTNT
    link GridEntity "GridEntity.html" "Go to page for 'GridEntity' class"
    link GridEntityDoor "GridEntityDoor.html" "Go to page for 'GridEntityDoor' class"
    link GridEntityPit "GridEntityPit.html" "Go to page for 'GridEntityPit' class"
    link GridEntityPoop "GridEntityPoop.html" "Go to page for 'GridEntityPoop' class"
    link GridEntityPressurePlate "GridEntityPressurePlate.html" "Go to page for 'GridEntityPressurePlate' class"
    link GridEntityRock "GridEntityRock.html" "Go to page for 'GridEntityRock' class"
    link GridEntitySpikes "GridEntitySpikes.html" "Go to page for 'GridEntitySpikes' class"
    link GridEntityTNT "GridEntityTNT.html" "Go to page for 'GridEntityTNT' class"


Reward ()⚓︎

void Reward ( )⚓︎

Triggers the spawning of the reward as if the plate would be pressed, without actually pressing it.

Greed mode behavior

When in greedmode and used on the Greedmode-pressureplate, it has multiple effects:

When no wave is active, it will spawn a random reward analog to the normal pressure plate pool.

When a wave is active, it will spawn a wave, wihtout increasing the wave counter.



RNG GreedModeRNG⚓︎

RNG object that determines the RNG of anything GreedMode related.


string NextGreedAnimation⚓︎

Defines the animation that the greed-mode pressureplate should play. This effect is only visual!

Every Animation defined in the "grid_pressureplate.anm2" file can be used as an input. Any other input will crash the game!


Sprite TimerPlate⚓︎

Reference to the Sprite of the Timerplate beneath the pressureplate in Greed mode.

Last update: March 20, 2025