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Enum "RoomDescriptor"⚓︎

The "RoomDescriptor" Class has separate Enums that are used for special information handling.

Even though they have different prefixes, all enums on this page are part of the "RoomDescriptor" enum.

DLC Value Enumerator Comment
DLC Value Enumerator Comment
1 << 0 FLAG_CLEAR Room is clear, don't spawn enemies when visiting
1 << 1 FLAG_PRESSURE_PLATES_TRIGGERED All pressure plates have been triggered in this room. This won't be set if there are no trigger pressure plates in the first place.
1 << 2 FLAG_SACRIFICE_DONE Sacrifice room has paid out
1 << 3 FLAG_CHALLENGE_DONE Challenge room finished
1 << 4 FLAG_SURPRISE_MINIBOSS Load Greed/Krampus instead of the room specified by Type, Variant
1 << 5 FLAG_HAS_WATER Pits in this room contain water
1 << 6 FLAG_ALT_BOSS_MUSIC Play alternate boss music in this room
1 << 7 FLAG_NO_REWARD Don't pay out with a reward when clearing this room, used for traps that lock the player in the room when triggered
1 << 8 FLAG_FLOODED Was flooded by an item (i.e. Flush)
1 << 9 FLAG_PITCH_BLACK Complete darkness
1 << 10 FLAG_RED_ROOM Room spawned by Red Key
1 << 11 FLAG_DEVIL_TREASURE Treasure room transformed by Devil's Crown
1 << 12 FLAG_USE_ALTERNATE_BACKDROP Use an alternate backdrop (this is used by some floors such as Dross and Ashpit)
1 << 13 FLAG_CURSED_MIST Room is covered in cursed mist, player is temporarily reduced to base items and stats
1 << 14 FLAG_MAMA_MEGA Mama Mega has activated in this room
1 << 15 FLAG_NO_WALLS Don't generate walls (for Beast arena)
1 << 16 FLAG_ROTGUT_CLEARED Rotgut's heart was killed, immediately play Rotgut's death animation when reentering this room
1 << 17 FLAG_PORTAL_LINKED A portal spawned by Lil Portal now links to this room, don't create more portals that link to it
1 << 18 FLAG_BLUE_REDIRECT If walking into this room through a door, redirect to a Blue Womb room instead (this is used by Blue Key)

Last update: September 14, 2022