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Class "Seeds"⚓︎


You can get this class by using the following function:

Example Code
local game = Game()
local seeds = game:GetSeeds()


Add·Seed·Effect ()⚓︎

void AddSeedEffect ( SeedEffect Value )⚓︎

A "seed effect" is equivalent to an easter egg.

Can·Add·Seed·Effect ()⚓︎

boolean CanAddSeedEffect ( SeedEffect Value )⚓︎

Clear·Seed·Effects ()⚓︎

void ClearSeedEffects ( )⚓︎

Clear·Start·Seed ()⚓︎

void ClearStartSeed ( )⚓︎

Count·Seed·Effects ()⚓︎

int CountSeedEffects ( )⚓︎

Count·Unlocked·Seed·Effects ()⚓︎

static int CountUnlockedSeedEffects ( )⚓︎

Forget·Stage·Seed ()⚓︎

void ForgetStageSeed ( LevelStage Stage )⚓︎

Get·Next·Seed ()⚓︎

int GetNextSeed ( )⚓︎

Get·Player·Init·Seed ()⚓︎

int GetPlayerInitSeed ( )⚓︎

Get·Seed·Effect ()⚓︎

static SeedEffect GetSeedEffect ( string str )⚓︎

Get·Stage·Seed ()⚓︎

int GetStageSeed ( LevelStage Stage )⚓︎

Get·Start·Seed ()⚓︎

int GetStartSeed ( )⚓︎

The "start seed" is a number between 1 and (2^32 - 1) that is used to generate the random elements for the current run. The seed displayed in the pause menu is this number represented in string form.

This method will return 0 if it is invoked in the main menu.

Example Code

This code turns the current run seed into its string representation.

local seed = Game():GetSeeds():GetStartSeed()
local seedString = Seeds.Seed2String(seed) -- Returns a string in the form of "ABCD DEFG"

Get·Start·Seed·String ()⚓︎

string GetStartSeedString ( )⚓︎

The "start seed" is a number between 1 and (2^32 - 1) that is used to generate the random elements for the current run. When converted to a string, it looks like "ABCD EFGH". (This is the form that is displayed on the pause menu.)

This method will return "B911 99JA" if it is invoked in the main menu.

Has·Seed·Effect ()⚓︎

boolean HasSeedEffect ( SeedEffect Value )⚓︎

Init·Seed·Info ()⚓︎

static void InitSeedInfo ( )⚓︎

Is·Custom·Run ()⚓︎

boolean IsCustomRun ( )⚓︎

Returns true if the player is in a challenge run or a seeded run.

Is·Initialized ()⚓︎

boolean IsInitialized ( )⚓︎

Is·Seed·Combo·Banned ()⚓︎

boolean IsSeedComboBanned ( SeedEffect Seed1, SeedEffect Seed2 )⚓︎

Is·Special·Seed ()⚓︎

static boolean IsSpecialSeed ( string str )⚓︎

Is·String·Valid·Seed ()⚓︎

static boolean IsStringValidSeed ( string str )⚓︎

Remove·Blocking·Seed·Effects ()⚓︎

void RemoveBlockingSeedEffects ( SeedEffect Value )⚓︎

Removes seeds that are banned in conjunction with the given seed.

Remove·Seed·Effect ()⚓︎

void RemoveSeedEffect ( SeedEffect Value )⚓︎

Reset ()⚓︎

void Reset ( )⚓︎

Removes all seed effects. Only takes effect when the run is restarted.

Restart ()⚓︎

void Restart ( Challenge CurrentChallenge )⚓︎

Re-selects a random start seed, but only if the start seed was not custom.

Seed·2·String ()⚓︎

static string Seed2String ( int seed )⚓︎

Turns a seed into its String representation as used for any in-game seed display.

Example Code

This code turns the current run seed into its string representation.

local seed = Game():GetSeeds():GetStartSeed()
local seedString = Seeds.Seed2String(seed) -- Returns a string in the form of "ABCD DEFG"

Set·Start·Seed ()⚓︎

void SetStartSeed ( string StartSeed )⚓︎

Empty string means we will pick a new random seed.

String·2·Seed ()⚓︎

static int String2Seed ( string str )⚓︎

Last update: March 20, 2025