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File "bombcostumes.xml"⚓︎

Used to apply costumes to bomb relative to their TearFlags.

Resource-Folder: Using this file in a resource folder of a mod will replace the original file.

Content-Folder: Using this file in a content folder of a mod will add new bomb costumes.

"bomb" Tag⚓︎

Variable-Name Possible Values Description
variant int BombVariant for which the costumes should be applied

"rule" Tag⚓︎

.anm2 files

For every .anm2-file specified you need to create 4 .anm2-files, one for every bomb size: mini-bomb from Scatter Bombs, mini-bomb from Scatter Bombs with Mr. Mega, normal size bomb and Mr. Mega-size bomb For example, when you specify bomb.anm2, you actually require the files bomb0.anm2, bomb1.anm2, bomb2.anm2 and bomb3.anm2.

Rule precedence

The rules you include in this file will be listed after the default rules of the respective variant. Bomb costumes will be applied from the tags within these rules (i.e. body, front, etc.) The tag of the last applicable rule that has it will always be the one to be applied. Example: Having the Items Blood Bombs and Bomber Boy will cause placed bombs to look like Blood bombs, as both rules specify the tag body and the rule for Blood Bombs is listed below the rule for Bomber Boy.

Variable-Name Possible Values Description
includeFlags int All TearFlag bits required to be resent for layer to be added (seperate with spaces)
excludeFlags int All TearFlag bits required to be absent for layer to be added (seperate with spaces)
back string path to the .anm2 files, relative to the given anm2root, that will be displayed behind the bomb. Example: flame.anm2
body string path to the .anm2 files, relative to the given anm2root, that will replace the main bomb sprite. Example: bomb.anm2
body2 string path to the .anm2 file, relative to the given anm2root, that will be displayed along the main bomb sprite. Example: homing.anm2
front string path to the .anm2 file, relative to the given anm2root, that will be applied on top of the main bomb sprite. Example: tears_blood.anm2
front2 string path to the .anm2 file, relative to the given anm2root, that will be applied on top of the main bomb sprite. Example: fast.anm2
Use this when you don't want an already applied front-animation to be overriden.
overlay string path to the .anm2 file, relative to the given anm2root, that will be displayed on top of the entire bomb. Example: glitter_sparkle.anm2
suffix string suffix to be added at the end of an image-filepath, before .png, that will replace the spritesheet-image associated with LayerID 0
Example: _gold will replace the spritesheet-image bomb.png with bomb_gold.png
suffix2 string suffix to be added at the end of an image-filepath, after suffix and before .png, that will replace the spritesheet-image associated with LayerID 0
Example: _gold will replace the spritesheet-image bomb.png with bomb_gold.png

Example of a bombcostumes.xml file:

<bombcostumes anm2root="gfx/items/pick ups/bombs/">
    <bomb variant="0"> <!-- Normal bomb -->
        <!-- TearFlag 31 == TearFlags.TEAR_GLOW -->
        <rule includeFlags="31" body="glow.anm2" />

Last update: September 14, 2022