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Class "ItemPool"⚓︎


You can get this class by using the following function:

Example Code



Add·Bible·Upgrade ()⚓︎

void AddBibleUpgrade ( int Add, ItemPoolType PoolType )⚓︎

Add·Room·Blacklist ()⚓︎

void AddRoomBlacklist ( CollectibleType Item )⚓︎

Adds a given item to the blacklist. This item can no longer be chosen from itempools while the player is inside the current room. This effectively prevents the item from appearing.

When the player changes the room, the Blacklist gets reset.

Force·Add·Pill·Effect ()⚓︎

PillColor ForceAddPillEffect ( PillEffect ID )⚓︎

Forces a pill effect to be in the pool, usually for challenges, returns PillColor for that effect.

Get·Card ()⚓︎

Card GetCard ( int Seed, boolean Playing, boolean Rune, boolean OnlyRunes )⚓︎

Get·Collectible ()⚓︎

CollectibleType GetCollectible ( ItemPoolType PoolType, boolean Decrease = false, int Seed = Random(), CollectibleType DefaultItem = CollectibleType.COLLECTIBLE_NULL )⚓︎


Already accounts for effects such as NO!, Chaos, Sacred Orb, T.Lost's Better Items, Magic Skin and Rosary Beads, alongside all of the specific character and challenge restrictions.

If DefaultItem is set to CollectibleType.COLLECTIBLE_NULL and the item pool has run out of repicks, then the game will first try to get a collectible from the Treasure Pool (unless ItemPoolType is already the Treasure Pool). If that fails then Breakfast is returned (assuming it doesn't get modified into Magic Skin or Rosary later on).

If DefaultItem is set to anything other than CollectibleType.COLLECTIBLE_NULL, this entire process (excluding the potential Magic Skin or Rosary modification) is skipped, and the specified collectible is returned instead.

Get·Last·Pool ()⚓︎

ItemPoolType GetLastPool ( )⚓︎

Get·Pill ()⚓︎

PillColor GetPill ( int Seed )⚓︎

Get·Pill·Effect ()⚓︎

PillEffect GetPillEffect ( PillColor PillColor, EntityPlayer Player = nil )⚓︎

Will return the pill effect that corresponds to the passed pill color. This will work properly even if the player has not yet identified the pill color (by using one or more pills of that color). It is recommended to always pass the corresponding player because if a player has Lucky Foot, PHD, Virgo, or False PHD, the resolved pill effect will change from what was assigned by default at the beginning of the run.

Returns -1 if passed PillColor.NULL (0) or a value of 2048. Returns PillEffect.BAD_GAS (0) if passed an invalid pill color (e.g. 15 through 2047 or 2063+).

Get·Pool·For·Room ()⚓︎

ItemPoolType GetPoolForRoom ( RoomType RoomType, int Seed )⚓︎

Get·Trinket ()⚓︎

TrinketType GetTrinket ( boolean DontAdvanceRNG = false )⚓︎

Identify·Pill ()⚓︎

void IdentifyPill ( PillColor PillColor )⚓︎

Is·Pill·Identified ()⚓︎

boolean IsPillIdentified ( PillColor PillColor )⚓︎

Once the player takes PHD, Virgo, or False PHD, this method will always return true, even if the player has not already seen or used the pill on the run thus far. (This is because this method dictates when the "???" text should be shown as the pill description, and these collectibles will always show the "revealed" text.)

Remove·Collectible ()⚓︎

boolean RemoveCollectible ( CollectibleType Collectible )⚓︎

Removes a collectible from the itempool. Returns true if given item did exist in the pool before.

Remove·Trinket ()⚓︎

boolean RemoveTrinket ( TrinketType Trinket )⚓︎

Reset·Room·Blacklist ()⚓︎

void ResetRoomBlacklist ( )⚓︎

Clears the current item black list.

When the player changes the room, this function gets called automatically.

Reset·Trinkets ()⚓︎

void ResetTrinkets ( )⚓︎

Last update: March 20, 2025